In Tudor England, society was split into a number of social classes. These included: Nobility, the Gentry, the Yeomanry, and the Poor.

Mother Shipton was a soothsayer who foretold the fates of multiple rulers, as well as the invention of iron ships, the Great Fire of London, and the defeat of the Spanish Armada.

Where did the Barber Surgeon learn his trade?


The Barber Surgeon learnt his trade on the battlefield.


The Barber Surgeon learnt his trade on the battlefield.

Chloroform is a colourless, volatile, sweet-smelling liquid used as a solvent and formerly as a general anaesthetic.

Gentry are people of good social position, specifically the class of people next below the nobility in position and birth. This social class includes landowners and those within a family that has extensive land ownership.

In Tudor times, and if they could afford it, what might someone have been given to assist with their blood letting treatment?


If they could afford it, the patient was given leeches to put on their body.


If they could afford it, the patient was given leeches to put on their body.

True or False: In Tudor times, the Poor would have a longer life expectancy than the Gentry and Nobility.


It was believed that the higher your social class, the longer you would live.


It was believed that the higher your social class, the longer you would live.